Archived Flash Player versions

The site you need to access older versions of Flash Player. This is helpful for troubleshooting.

Archived Flash Player versions

Keywords: old versions of flash

Pruning Old Computer Accounts in AD

In large organizations the task of keeping Active Directory cleansed of inactive computer accounts can be daunting. Using the dsquery command we can easily find all of the computers in the directory that have not been logged into in a given time interval. As an example, the following command will find all computers in […]

Move SSL certificates from IIS 6.0 to the latest version of IIS IIS 7.0/ IIS 7.5 IIS

Export the certificates from IIS 6.0 web server i Open MMC – type “MMC” without quotes in your run menu ii Select the “Add/Remove Snap-in” option CTRL + M from the file menu. iii Select “Computer Account’” and then “Local Computer” iv Close the ‘Add Standalone Snap-in’ window and click on OK v Choose […]

Restrict access to specific fonts in Citrix

Recently we had a situation where our publishing department decided to use a font that was not included in any package we already owned (Windows, Office, etc). So a request came to us to make this font available to specific users. We went down the normal road of ‘are we licensed’, ‘who’s paying for […]